Are you a Tamil Speaking Parent ?

Venkatachalam Salem


Do you have children below the age of 5 years? Then read on about my Childcare Book in Tamil -KUZHANTHA VALARPIRKKU SILA UTHAVI THULIGAL (Tips for parenting). Buy it, Read it and Implement the ideas .. "MAKE YOUR CHILDREN HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL PERSONS IN LIFE"
It is an ideal gift for newly married couples or for your employees and friends. 
I wrote the book with the intention that the next generation people i.e., our children to be smarter and saner people. Please go through the English translation of the Back Cover given below. -e3ezhil.
Details about the book …

Book Title : KUZHANTHAI VALARPIRKKU SILA UTHAVI THULIGAL *(Tips for parenting) * Book code : 313 * Author: Ezhil Arasan.V *Publisher :Kannadhasan Pathipaggam, T.Nagar , Chennai –17 *First edition Dec 2002, Third reprint July,2004 .Cost .Rs.20 only. (Pages 78).

(Not available in original Tamil version)

1. One month to two years
2. Avoiding accidents
3. Three years to six years
4. Eating – a problem
5. Seven years to 12 years
6. Teenage period
7. Sexual education

First Page

"What are the things a child 'expects'
his parents should have the knowledge of ?
A collection of psychological tips to parents,
In a simple style, as if the child is
instructing the parents. "

Back Cover 

"The knowledge that you directly give me and the love and affection that you shower on me, before I am two years old is very important.

It is more important than the best school and college education that you might provide to me in future. Remember that my brain attains its full capacity when I am two years old.

Hence, any the information and good things that gets inside before that is very vital.

You can start disciplining me even when I am a baby. When I am 9 months old, you can prevent me from pulling your hairs. At one, you can prevent me from breaking my own toys.

At two, you can train me to place my toys in the appropriate places.  At three, you can ask me to dispose off the dust bin in the house. By the age of eight, I would start doing useful house hold chores on my own."

Illustrative photographs

There are very illustrative photographs on each page high-lighting the point discussed.


The audience for this book are Tamilians especially who have difficulty in reading English. Hence, I had written very high concepts on childcare in tidbits form. However, in this modern, fast world, it is a good "must be" book in each and every Tamilian's house. No medical points are discussed. Only psychological tips are given here.

What made me write a book on Childcare in Tamil?

Around 1991 when my wife started to carry a baby, I happened to read many books on Childcare. The English classic "Baby and Childcare" by Dr.Benjamin Spock was my inspiration. Since, my wife had difficulty reading English book I took extensive notes in Tamil. Soon I had mastered the subject to a considerable extent. Some of my friends who saw my notes suggested it is worth to be published. Hence, I decided to write a book on the subject in a very simple style. I should thank my publisher Mr. Gandhi Kannadhasan for
having encouraged me all along.

Thanks. Happy Parenting. -e3ezhilarasan.
Courtesy :  Mr. Gandhi Kannadhasan , Kannadhasan Pathipaggam, Chennai 17.  


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