FATHERHOOD IS ALSO GREAT. MOTHERHOOD IS GREAT. தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு * (MY REAL LIFE INCIDENTS IN CHILD REARING) . . Next to my father-in-law’s house in Ammapet lived a couple. They had a two year old kid called Harish. That kid used to come to theirs house frequently for playing. Myself, my wife and my kids used to play with that kid. If we happen to eat something, we used to offer it to him. But his parents will refuse because their doctor had instructed them not to do such things. The boy seemed to be healthy. All my genuine attempts to feed the kid with something nutritious failed. It was the doctor’s order they said. However, I came to know that the boy used to fall sick very often. They were poor and would say that they would have to pledge their gold jewels to meet his hospital expenses. I knew that the boy was not really suffering from serious chronic disease like heart disease or asthma. Of course, I am not a medical professional. But one things was...